• 07-FEB-2018

Announcement of Wynn Macau, Limited

Wynn Macau
The board of directors (the "Board") of Wynn Macau, Limited (the "Company") announces that Mr. Stephen A. Wynn has resigned as Chairman of the Board ("Mr. Wynn"), an Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Company with immediate effect due to Mr. Wynn's decision that as a result of recent publicity, he could not continue to be effective in his current roles. The Board has reluctantly accepted Mr. Wynn's resignation.

Mr. Wynn has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board. There is no other information in relation to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Stock Exchange").

The Board would like to take this opportunity to express its sincere gratitude to Mr. Wynn for his valuable contribution to the Company during his tenure of office.
Mr. Wynn will also resign from his positions as director and officer of the Company's subsidiaries, including as Director, Chairman of the board of directors and Chief Executive Officer of Wynn Resorts (Macau) S.A. ("WRM"). Subject to the completion of certain Macau regulatory procedures, Mr. Matthew Maddox, Chief Executive Officer and an Executive Director of the Company, will become Chairman of the board of directors of WRM and Mr. Ian Coughlan, an Executive Director and President of the Company, will become a Director of WRM. Ms. Linda Chen, Chief Operating Officer and an Executive Director of the Company, will remain as President and Executive Director of WRM.

Dr. Allan Zeman ("Dr. Zeman"), an independent non-executive director of the Company, has been appointed as the Non-executive Chairman of the Company effective immediately.


Mr. Matthew O. Maddox ("Mr. Maddox"), a Non-executive Director of the Company, has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and re-designated as an Executive Director of the Company effective immediately.

The Board has also resolved to appoint Mr. Maurice L. Wooden ("Mr. Wooden") as a Non-executive Director of the Company. Mr. Wooden is the President of Wynn Las Vegas, LLC, which is a subsidiary of Wynn Resorts, Limited, the controlling shareholder of the Company, and owner and operator of Wynn Las Vegas and Encore Las Vegas, where he oversees the day-to-day operations of the properties.

Further information about the above appointments will be announced as soon as practicable.

At the request of the Company, trading in the shares of the Company on the Stock Exchange was halted with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 7 February 2018 pending the release of this announcement. An application has been made by the Company to the Stock Exchange for the resumption of trading in the shares of the Company on the Stock Exchange with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 8 February 2018.