• 04-FEB-2016

New recruits to the Wynn Employee Volunteer Team Spread Warmth and Care This New Year

Wynn Macau
Macau, February 4, 2016 – As a responsible corporate citizen, Wynn Macau has been continuously giving back to the community and proactively encouraging team members to participate in volunteering activities. To welcome the Lunar New Year, the WE (Wynn Employee) Volunteer team has once again expressed their care by calling a special group of about 200 newly joined volunteers from the gaming division to visit elderly users of Peng On Tung TeleAssistance Service. From the 18th until 21st of January, the volunteers have not only visited but also helped with household chores, spreading joy through the community.

The four-day activity has gathered 200 volunteers who were divided into 15 teams in order to visit over 180 households across districts in Macau and Taipa. The teams came prepared with cleaning products to transform the elderly's homes into comfortable retreats ready to welcome the New Year of the Monkey. The volunteers also helped decorate their homes for this festive season and presented healthy food packages to the each of the households, wishing them good health and good fortune throughout year.

This year, employees from the gaming division, who just joined the WE team, shared their natural enthusiasm with the good cause. The number of volunteers involved has increased annually, and members have expressed their joy in participating on such a meaningful event. By partaking in this caring activity with the elderly, the volunteers have gained a better understanding of their needs. The teams were especially grateful to hear the stories shared and the seniors' secretes to a healthy life.

Wynn Macau supports local charitable activities, showing endless care to the underprivileged. The company will continue to fulfill its commitment to corporate social responsibility so that together we can make a difference.